Zbiva has been actively developed since 1987 as an archaeological database for eastern Alps and its
surrounding regions in the early Middle Ages. It is focused on the sites in Slovenia, Austria, on the
NW Croatian coast, and in the NE regions in Italy. For comparative purposes sporadic sites from
the neighboring areas and previous era are recorded. It consists of three parts that constitute a
whole: archaeological sites, graves and artefacts.
The initial version v1 was a closed system based on a single PC. The version v2 was designed in
year 2000 in order to facilitate the transition to the web offering only parts of content, namely sites
and bibliography. Version v3 (2016) has grown into an online service that enables searching for
data on sites, graves and artefacts and their real-time mapping. It was therefore about the on-the-fly
creation of distribution maps and corresponding lists with descriptions. Descriptions of individual
sites, graves and artefacts could be supplemented with images, which means the offer of an online
catalog. Version v4 (2023) connects all tables, combines input, search and mapping. It runs entirely
online. All data changes are updated continuously, so the latest status is always available. Mapping
search is available to visitors, and registration is required for the input.
The web application Zbiva is intended for highly motivated research not only into structured
information but also into "hidden" data. They can only be found with the correct search term, which
we have to create with our own imagination. There are many basic and advanced search options for
this purpose.
For more detailed description see: Štular, B., The Zbiva Web Application: a tool for Early Medieval archaeology of the Eastern Alps. − In: J. Richards, F. Niccolucci, The Ariadne Impact, Budapest,
Belak, Pleterski, Rihter, Štular 2023, Zbiva v4.1 (
Cited by:
- Carrie Barton, Adam Cox, Sara Delgadillo Cruz and Janet Hansen, Cultural-heritage Inventory Implementations: The Versatility of the Arches System
- Andrea Zerbini, Developing a Heritage Database for the Middle East and North Africa
- Pacifico Cofrancesco, Consuelo Capolupo, Alessia Frisetti, Mapping Medieval Christianity. CARE-GIS: Reusing Web Digital Data in a webGIS Application
- Stefan Eichert, Digital Mapping of Medieval Cemeteries: Case Studies from Austria and Czechia
- Pleterski A., Korak v kronologijo zgodnjesrednjeveškega naglavnega nakita vzhodnih Alp/ A step towards the chronology of early medieval head ornaments in the Eastern Alps, Arheološki vestnik 64, 2013, 299−344.
- Skupine ustij in njihove datacije / Topfrändergruppen und ihre Datierungen,158−160. − In: Pleterski A., Zgodnjesrednjeveška naselbina na blejski Pristavi. Tafonomija, predmeti in čas / Frühmittelalterliche Siedlung Pristava in Bled. Taphonomie, Fundgegenstände und zeitliche Einordnung. − Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 19, 2010.